Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT Podcast
Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team) We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers whom have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast with be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology. Homepage: Podcast: IMDb: Youtube: Blog: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn:

Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT Podcast
Monday Dec 12, 2022
The Four Biggest Threats To The Paranormal Field
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Today I will discuss the four biggest threats to the paranormal field and how together they have caused a situation where outsiders laugh at those of us in the field and that integrity has for all intents and purposes been severely damaged due to a lack of self-education and people focusing more on chasing either personal notoriety or social media likes on the internet.
A nearly identical transcript of this episode may be found at:
We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers who have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism, while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast will be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology.
Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team)
Homepage: https://www.MWVSpirit.comPodcast: https://mwvspirit.podbean.comIMDb:
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Twelve Mistakes Made By Ghosthunters and How to Prevent Them
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
As always I will preface this episode with the statement that I am not taking shots at anybody in the field. I am pointing out opportunities for improvement in the field. The purpose of my podcast is to help educate those ghost hunters who wish to eventually become a paranormal investigator, or help paranormal investigators refresh and sharpen their skill set. Today I will discuss twelve mistakes commonly made by ghost hunters and how to prevent them. These are not in any particular order.
A nearly identical transcript of this episode may be found at:
We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers who have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism, while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast will be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology.
Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team)
Homepage: https://www.MWVSpirit.comPodcast: https://mwvspirit.podbean.comIMDb:
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
How to Conduct a Paranormal Investigation
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
This will be my 52nd podcast episode, and I have yet to cover how I conduct a scientific paranormal investigation. Today I will remedy that and detail how I perform this task.
A nearly identical transcript of this episode may be found at:
We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers who have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism, while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast will be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology.
Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team)
Homepage: https://www.MWVSpirit.comPodcast: https://mwvspirit.podbean.comIMDb:
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Understanding Photographic Anomalies in the Paranormal Field
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Anyone with any remote interest in the anomalous research field or more particularly in either ghost hunting or paranormal investigations has spent time on the internet visiting social media, various websites, or reddit searching for pictures of what is reported to be activity of a paranormal nature. The truth is that well over 99% of the material that you find has an easily explainable natural cause to what is being perceived as paranormal. Today we will discuss photographic anomalies that are often misperceived as paranormal activity.
A nearly identical transcript of this episode may be found at:
We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers who have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism, while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast will be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology.
Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team)
Homepage: https://www.MWVSpirit.comPodcast: https://mwvspirit.podbean.comIMDb:
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Help Me I Think That My House Is Haunted
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
I do frequently receive emails from the general public asking me various questions on my opinion on certain perceived paranormal activity in their house or what to look for in a paranormal investigation team in their area. I thought that it would be beneficial for me to write a piece on the various types of paranormal investigation teams and the most frequent occurrences that drive cases to be opened that could have easily been figured out by the resident of the property.
A nearly identical transcript of this episode may be found at
We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers who have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism, while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast will be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology.
Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team)
Homepage: https://www.MWVSpirit.comPodcast: https://mwvspirit.podbean.comIMDb:
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
How to Start or Improve a Ghosthunting or Paranormal Investigation Team
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
So you have an interest in the paranormal and either there isn’t a ghosthunting or paranormal investigation team in your area for you to join or you don’t agree with the philosophy of a local group and wish to start your own. You are toying with the idea of starting your own team and don’t know where to start or wish to make sure that your bases are covered. You may also wish to improve your current team or your personal career in the paranormal investigation field. If any of what I just said applies to you, even in a small way then today’s podcast episode is geared towards you.
A nearly identical transcript of this episode may be found at
We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers who have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism, while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast will be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology.
Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team)
Homepage: https://www.MWVSpirit.comPodcast: https://mwvspirit.podbean.comIMDb:
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Vibroacoustic Phenomena Reception and Analyzation
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Vibroacoustic phenomenon is a term that refers to when audible and or non-audible frequencies combine with vibration and the result influences human physiology or inanimate objects. This is not paranormal theory, and is a subject of science that has had controlled scientific method based experiments by scientists with advanced college degrees. In many cases you will find vibroacoustic phenomenon is being incorrectly misinterpreted as paranormal activity. Today we discuss infrasound, ultrasound, Schumann Resonances, and Helmholtz Resonances and how they should be investigated for at every paranormal investigation, why this is so, and how to do so.
A nearly identical transcript of this episode may be found at
We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers who have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism, while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast will be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology.
Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team)
Homepage: https://www.MWVSpirit.comPodcast: https://mwvspirit.podbean.comIMDb:
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Back From Hiatus
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
I am back from hiatus. Today I discuss the importance of pursuing educational studies as it pertains to paranormal investigations as well as not focusing on what you see on television as an ample representation of a scientific paranormal investigation. We also discuss the future of the Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT Podcast.
A nearly identical transcript of this episode may be found at
We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers who have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism, while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast will be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology.
Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team)
Homepage: https://www.MWVSpirit.comPodcast: https://mwvspirit.podbean.comIMDb:
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Delegation For Paranormal Investigation Team Leadership
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
What is delegation? Delegation is the act of entrusting a task or responsibility to another person. This podcast is geared towards anyone on a paranormal investigation team that has any level of authority and could be somewhat relevant to someone who leads a ghost hunting group.
A nearly identical transcript of this episode may be found at
We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers who have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism, while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast will be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology.
Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team)
Homepage: https://www.MWVSpirit.comPodcast: https://mwvspirit.podbean.comIMDb:
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Negativity In Your Paranormal Investigation Team
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Did you know that negativity most often starts out as a very tiny seed and with each following instance of negativity that original seed gets watered, and in a serious enough happenstance may receive a heavy dose of miracle grow. Let’s say hypothetically that leading a paranormal investigation team is synonymous to tending to a garden. It doesn't take very long for a seed of negativity to quickly grow into a big weed and without taking care of that weed it will continue to spread and eventually will overwhelm your beautiful garden.
A nearly identical transcript of this episode may be found at
We are a group of paranormal investigators and researchers who have dedicated ourselves to continually educating ourselves, other paranormal investigation or ghost hunting groups, and the general public about paranormal science, related sciences, investigation philosophy, tools, & techniques, as well as proper comportment and professionalism, while engaged in investigations or research. This podcast will be an audible version of our blog on the website which will explore topics pertaining to paranormal science and parapsychology.
Mount Washington Valley SPIRIT (Scientific Paranormal Investigations, Research, and Interpretation Team)
Homepage: https://www.MWVSpirit.comPodcast: https://mwvspirit.podbean.comIMDb: